name | description | type | default |
visible | Control visibility of the dialog | bool | |
onDismiss | Dismiss callback for when clicking on the background | func | |
dismissSwipeDirection | The direction of the swipe to dismiss the dialog (default is 'down') | enum | |
overlayBackgroundColor | The color of the overlay background | string | Colors.rgba(Colors.dark10, 0.6) |
width | The dialog width (default: 90%) | union | '90%' |
height | The dialog height (default: 70%) | union | '70%' |
animationConfig | The animation configuration to pass to the dialog (ex. {animation, delay, duration, easing}) | object | |
containerStyle | The dialog container style | union | |
disablePan | Disable the pan gesture recognizer | bool | |
useModal | Whether to display the dialog in a modal | bool | true |