Extends: Animatable.View
(meaning you can pass the super component's props as well).
(meaning you can pass the super component's props as well).
name | description | type | default |
visible | Whether to show or hide the toast | bool | |
position | The position of the toast. top or bottom | enum | 'top' |
height | The height of the toast | number | |
backgroundColor | The background color of the toast | string | |
color | the toast content color (message, actions labels) | string | Colors.white |
message | the toast message | string | |
messageStyle | a custom style for the toast message | union | |
icon | a left icon | number | |
actions | one or two actions for the user to display in the toast | arrayOf | |
onDismiss | callback for dismiss action | func | |
autoDismiss | number of milliseconds to automatically invoke the onDismiss callback | number | |
allowDismiss | show dismiss action | bool | |
onAnimationEnd | callback for end of component animation | func | |
renderContent | render a custom toast content (better use with StyleSheet.absoluteFillObject to support safe area) | func | |
centerMessage | should message be centered in the toast | bool | |
animated | should the toast appear/disappear with animation | bool | true |
enableBlur | enable blur effect for Toast | bool | |
blurOptions | blur option for blur effect according to react-native-blur lib (make sure enableBlur is on) | object | |
zIndex | custom zIndex for toast | number | 100 |

See example here.